UPK Registration
MCCSD Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Registration for the 2024 - 2025 School Year is NOW OPEN
What to Bring to Central Registration
Parents must bring their completed NEW ENTRANT FORM to Central Registration.
If you did not receive the District's mailed packet, contact (631)285-8890.You must bring the following when you come to register:
Original Birth or Baptismal Certificate (with a raised seal)
Photocopy of Birth or Baptismal Certificate
2 Copies of Immunization Record Signed by Physician
2 proofs of residency
Custody papers (if applicable)
If you have any questions regarding requirements for registration,
please call the Central Registration Office at (631)285-8890.
Parents with children 0 - 4 years old
If you currently have children under four years of age, please contact Central Registration at 285-8890 with your family's information regarding infants/toddlers for future mailings of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten registration information.
Registration Related Files
Registration Packet K-12: English
NEW REGISTRANTS: Please complete the entire packet and follow the instructions on the first page.
Registration Packet UPK: English
NEW REGISTRANTS: Please complete the entire packet and follow the instructions on the first page.
Registration Packet K-12: Spanish
NEW REGISTRANTS: Please complete the entire packet and follow the instructions on the first page.
Registration Packet UPK: Spanish
NEW REGISTRATION: Please complete the entire packet and follow the instructions on the first page.
New Entrant: CPSE
Change of Address Form
Health Examination Form
Request for Records